Tiago Espellet Dockhorn





With solid knowledge in the corporate and accounting areas, Tiago has more than 25 years of experience in tax law, having worked for renowned national and international law firms. Focused on tax consultancy, he also works on corporate reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, financial products, structuring foreign investments and Brazilian investments abroad and federal administrative proceedings, as well as estate and succession planning matters.


Track Record

– Feasibility assessment of the acquisition of an automotive services company, analyzing existing tax issues and advising the company on the possible outcomes of these issues and their risks for the transaction. Transaction value of R$200 million.

– Assessing the advisability of acquiring companies from one of Brazil’s largest laboratories, analyzing existing tax issues and advising the company on the possible outcomes of these issues and their risks for the transaction. This transaction was especially challenging due to the number of non-materialized contingencies that arose during the analysis.

– We assisted a fuel company on the tax aspects of exchanging cultivation areas and the potential risks for the company. Our analysis also identified tax risks in the pre-existing contracts, which means that the company will probably revise its procedure on the matter in the future, in line with our guidance. Our tax team was instrumental not only in advising the client on the taxation of the intended transaction, but also in avoiding future assessments and minimizing tax risks.

– Advised Barentz International, a global life sciences group, on the acquisition of Volp Indústria e Comércio. The tax department analyzed existing tax issues and advised the company on the possible outcomes of these issues and their risks for the transaction. The target company is a Brazilian company with a leading presence in the personal care products distribution sector.


Academic background

– Bachelor of Laws from the Law School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



– Tax Law
– Tax consultancy
– Mergers and acquisitions
– Structuring investments
– Estate and succession planning


National and international recognition

– The Legal 500 – Tax

Practice areas

PGFN lança transação para débitos de até R$ 45 milhões

RFB publica instrução normativa para quitação de débitos de subvenções

Receita Federal passa a cobrar imposto de renda na doação e herança de cotas de fundos de investimento fechados

Confira fotos do evento “MS em Foco”, promovido pelo FLH Advogados em parceria com a Virgo

FLH organiza evento em MS para discutir questões relevantes dos principais setores econômicos do estado

PGE/SP publica Edital de transação tributária para quitação de inscrições em dívida ativa

Medida Provisória que limita compensação tributária e revoga benefícios do PERSE é alvo de judicialização

PGFN publica novo edital de transação tributária para quitação de inscrições em dívida ativa da União

Publicada portaria que regula o limite mensal para compensação de créditos tributários decorrentes de decisão judicial

Aprovada lei que regula a tributação de offshores e fundos de investimentos

Aprovada lei que permite a autorregularização de débitos tributários com a Receita Federal

Estado de São Paulo regulamenta concessão de prazos e descontos maiores para autuações de ICMS

A atuação dos sócios do FLH Advogados é reconhecida pelo LACCA Approved 2024

Judiciário reconhece que compensação de créditos tributários não tem prazo de validade

Governo Federal altera a tributação das subvenções para investimento

Publicadas novas regras de tributação de fundos de investimento

Medida Provisória que previa tributação automática de offshores e regras sobre trusts perde eficácia